An abscessed tooth is a condition in which the nerve of the tooth (the dental pulp) becomes infected. Infection often occurs when a dental cavity (tooth decay) goes untreated and spreads deep within the tooth. The bacteria that cause anabscesscan spread down the length of the roots of the ...
A tooth abscess starts with the breakdown of enamel, the coating that protects your teeth. That allows bacteria to work through the next layer of protection and into the pulp of your tooth. A local infection builds up. From there, the infection can spread into your jaw or other parts of ...
A tooth abscess starts with the breakdown of enamel, the coating that protects your teeth. That allows bacteria to work through the next layer of protection and into the pulp of your tooth. A local infection builds up. From there, the infection can spread into your jaw or other parts of ...
Infections that lead to tooth abscesses often start in the inner tissue (pulp) of a tooth. So to treat the infection, a root canal may be performed. This means removing the infected tissue, then filling and sealing the space left behind. Teeth that have a root canal often need a crown,...
Abscessed tooth home remedy Abscessed tooth symptoms Tooth infection symptoms Infected tooth symptoms, causes and treatment Tooth decay and heart disease View more Bleeding Gums - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment Dental Health: Things That Ruin Your Smile Non-Surgical Removal Of Wisdom Tooth: ...
Common Causes of Toothache A toothache is any pain in or around your teeth that may be caused by: Tooth decay/cavities Tooth abscesses Fractured tooth Root sensitivity Bruxism/teeth grinding Damaged or lost filling Adult or wisdom teeth eruption Gum disease Sinus infection (sinusitis) TMJ/TMD Fa...
Because of the high risk of pulp infection after exposure of the pulp to the oral environment, a root canal procedure may need to be performed during the first visit. Alternatively, the dentist may elect to only apply a sedative dressing on the splinted tooth to help calm the tooth pain....
Premature aging of the skin Sores, abscesses, and infections Sudden or severe weight loss Long-Term Symptoms of Meth Use A feeling that there are insects crawling under the skin Agitation, or nervous excitement Aggression Anhedonia (the inability to feel pleasure, resulting from the destruction of...
Imagine getting your tooth extracted and a bacterial infection develops afterwards that travels down to your heart. Ad Known as infective endocarditis, or bacterial endocarditis, it happens more often than you might think and it can be life-threatening. ...
Although tooth abscesses are fairly common dental conditions, they can be very painful and disruptive to anyone who suffers from one. A tooth abscess is an infection of the tooth socket or an infection of the root area below the tooth. Bacteria become trapped under the tooth, creating a pock...