Rise in Spinal Fluid Causes Tumor-Like SymptomsDear Dr. Donohue: I am a 29-year-old woman. Four years ago,after suffering from blurred vision...Dr. Paul Donohue
multiple sclerosis (MS), progressiveautoimmune diseaseof the centralnervous systemcharacterizedby destruction of themyelin sheathsurrounding the nerve fibres of thebrain,spinal cord, andoptic nerves, as a result of which, the transmission of nerve impulses becomes impaired, particularly in pathways involvin...
Precise history and physical examination, especially for neurological changes, are essential todifferentiatestroke from atumourand from brain injury resulting from other causes. Differentialdiagnosisis carried out by examining the spinal fluid for evidence of blood and by performingdiagnostic imaging(as by...
Lumbar puncture.You get this procedure, sometimes called a spinal tap, in a hospital or outpatient facility.A doctor or nurse uses a needle to remove a small amount of spinal fluid from your back. The fluid is then tested to check the levels of hypocretin. ...
Spinal stenosis Spondylolisthesis How long does sciatica last? Sciatica usually gets better in four to six weeks. However, for up to a third of people with sciatica, symptoms can last longer, up to a year. What can make sciatica worse? Inactivity and staying in one position for too long...
Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is a condition that happens when you have too much of a certain kind of fluid in parts of your brain. Yourbrainand spinal cord are surrounded by a clear liquid called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It’s made and stored in cavities in yourbraincalled ventricl...
Also laboratory testing on a sample of spinal fluid can make sure there is no infection. Researchers are studying proteins in the spinal fluid to see if certain patterns can detect specific causes of dementia, or can predict the outlook (prognosis)....
Spinal cord - for postural reflexes maintaining body's orientation Thalamus - for conscious perception of head/body motion and spatial orientation Overall, the peripheral vestibular organs transmit signals via the vestibular nerve to the vestibular nuclei, which then relay this information throughout the...
Destruction of Excessive Orgasms After you enjoyed too many sexual orgasms and/or too much pleasure, you have likely blown your brain/nervous bioelectric circuit breaker, and may have started to deal with the Sexual Exhaustion Symptoms - the exhaustion of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/-testicula...
Meninges are the three membranes (the dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater) that surround the skull and vertebral canal and enclose the brain and spinal cord. The meninges, together with cerebrospinal fluid, play a vital role as the brain’s protectors. Next, they create a barrier that helps...