Flakka, also known as the "flakka drug" or "flakka zombie drug," is primarily composed of alpha-pyrrolidinopentiophenone (alpha-PVP), which is an artificial stimulant that falls under the category of synthetic cathinones, commonly referred to asbath salts. It is also known as "gravel" due ...
Can Smelling Phantom Metal Mean You Might Have Cancer ? Unfortunately, if you’ve been smelling metal when no metal is around, this could mean cancer. In fact, the phantom odor that you’re smelling might be described as slightly metallic or like rust, a chemical or [...] PHANTOM TASTES...
White smoke and sweet-smelling smoke come from your exhaust pipe. This happens when the coolant leaks into the cylinders and turns into streams. Oil or coolant leakages outside of the engine Engine power decreases as the broken head gasket affects engine combustion.Although these head gasket issue...
There are numerous causes of fishy smelling urine, and you may be wondering if cancer is one of them if you’re suffering from this situation. If your urine has a fishy odor, it’s exceedingly unlikely [...] URINE COLORS, VAGINAL ISSUES Red Urine Isn’t Always Blood, But You’d Bet...
Smoke. Are sexually active. Being sexually active is a risk factor,especially if you don’t use condoms or dental dams. BV isn’t sexually transmitted, but researchers think that sex may change the balance of bacteria in your vagina, which makes an overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria more likely...
It seems to be associated with an increased occurrence of certain cancers. It may also increase the risk of sexual dysfunction; statistics indicate that men who smoke or otherwise consume marijuana regularly are at higher risk of either having premature ejaculation or trouble reaching orgasm. Men an...
Fruity-smelling breath In some babies or kids, type 1 diabetes can also look like the flu. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your child to the doctor. Type 1 Diabetes Causes Experts aren't sure what causes your pancreas to stop making insulin for your body. Your genes and immun...
Individual lesions may join to produce long draining sinus tracts or tunnels that are tender and continually produce foul-smelling pus drainage. When healing occurs, it often leaves multiple areas of unsightly scarring. Less commonly, lesions can involve the lower abdomen and the tissues under the...
Being male and having a family history of ADHD increase the likelihood that an individual is diagnosed with ADHD. This illness has also been linked to being exposed to tobacco smoke at home (secondhand smoke) or lead during childhood.
you'll get there. Try not to get ahead of yourself and worry about never smoking again. Just focus on today and do whatever you can toremain smoke-free.