The early symptoms of rabies in humans include irritability, itching at the infection site, and fever. As the disease progresses, muscle spasms in the throat and respiratory tract affect breathing, and a person may have difficulty swallowing, the combination of which can produce the well-known sy...
Elimination: Get rid of the unabsorbed poison before it can do any harm. If the person is unconscious, the doctor will put a flexible, soft, plastic tube into the windpipe to protect the person from suffocating in his or her own vomit and to provide artificial breathing (intubation). Once...
These molecules play an important role in triggering type 2 inflammatory responses, including pruritic responses, as well as acute pruritic responses to stimuli such as insect bites.38,95,105, 106, 107 Importantly, STAT6 gain of function is associated with chronic atopic conditions in humans.106,...
Autism is one of the most serious neurodevelopmental conditions in the U.S affecting approximately 2% of children aged 3-17. There has been a dramatic increase in the number of children with this disorder in recent years. As a result, parents are seeking answers as to the underlying causes o...
It's pure poison! To think it is in almost every food in the supermarket is horrifying. I will beat this just like I did the others. Well done to all of you who have had long clean time and also to those like me in the beginning, we will get through this and I look forward ...
Plague is an infectious disease caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium transmitted from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas. Plague has caused some of the most-devastating epidemics in history. It was the disease behind the Black Death of the
West Nile virus Birds are the primary reservoirs of West Nile virus. The virus is transmitted to humans and horses by mosquitoes that have bitten infected birds. (more) infectious disease Ask the Chatbot a Question More Actions Also known as: communicable disease, contagious disease Written...