Get information about the various symptoms you may see during your first month of pregnancy—such as spotting, mood swings, and fatigue—and why you experience them.
Learn about pregnancy stages, pregnancy symptoms & fetal development by week, month & trimesters. Keep track of you baby's development & pregnancy symptoms you might experience with Pampers India.
The first month of pregnancy starts from the moment when an ovum (an egg) and a sperm meet in the uterine tube. During thefirst weekafter the conception, the cells in the ovum start to divide, and at the same time the egg moves to the uterine cavity. By the beginning of the second ...
Breast tenderness at 9 the week is more significant. The most common cause of Breast tenderness before the period may be fluctuating the level of hormone. During this period estrogen and progesterone level changes which cause the dull and coarse pain in Breast at 9 the week of pregnancy. Frequ...
Pregnancy Symptoms Week 5TODAY Illustration/Getty Images Your body: If you haven't been noticing changes like nausea (which may or may not also include vomiting), frequent urination and exhaustion, most moms-to-be do experience this memorable triad of symptoms during the second month, which star...
What symptoms do you have at your first week of pregnancy? One week into pregnancy, you may notice symptoms such as feeling tired, spotting, or having a late period. What are seven signs of pregnancy? The signs of pregnancy are different for each person, but seven of them are peeing a ...
Pregnancy symptoms week by week is one of the concerns of pregnant women because they want to know what is happening to their bodies and inside their womb.
12 Weeks Pregnant:The End of theFirstTrimester Is Around the Corner Congratulations! Your first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end. The second trimester is just as exciting, and there are some great milestones along the way. You and baby will grow together during week 12, and yo...
Gaining more than three to five pounds in one week – especially in the second half of pregnancy – can be a sign of preeclampsia. You may also have sudden swelling (see below). Not all women with preeclampsia have rapid weight gain, though. ...
The 40 or so weeks of pregnancy are divided into three stages or trimesters that are each 12 - 13 weeks long. Each group of weeks brings dramatic changes to the developing baby and physical changes and symptoms for Mom. During the first trimester, weeks 1 – 12, hormone changes bring an...