Pitta and Kapha. In Vatarakta, these doshas are vitiated and get combined with the impure Rakta (blood) and spread all over the body and cause inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints. The doshas are aggravated due to the intake of food...
As per Ayurveda, there are three main energies – vata, pitta and kapha are responsible for healthy life. Imbalance of any three energies may results in health complications. Vata dosha is responsible for controlling motor and sensory activity of brain. Imbalance of vata dosha is responsible for...
In this disease (ulcerative colitis) it is very important to balance the pitta as it is primarily, caused due to imbalance of pitta dosha in the body. 4. Kutajghan Vati These tablets are prepared from herb Kutaja (Holarrhena antidysenterica). This herb has great medicinal importance ...
According toAyurveda, the immune disorder is the main cause for the disturbance of the three factors or the oja & doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha of the body which control, manages and governs the working of body organs. Vata & Kapha dosha are more active because vata leads to dryness and...
Pitta doshaprakritimenstrual cyclemenarchedymenorrheaBackground: Menarche a sign of puberty which links childhood to adult hood. It is the phase of progression of sexual characters required at the adolescent's age. It is seen that premenstrual symptoms regularly occurs in luteal phase of menstrual ...
Source of infectionis secretions of respiratory tract of a case. Age : Affects all ages especially children and elderly. INFLUENZA Infection spreads by coughing, sneezing, droplet infection. influenza virus A, Band C Incubation period2 to 3 days. ...
Those with Vata predominant DP were divided into Single Vataja (V), Vata-Pittaja (VP), and Vata- Kaphaja (VK) DP based on dosha proportion in scale output. demographic profile, symptom intensity, duration of morning stiffness, DAS28, and DI were analysed using SPSS software version 20.0....