A person might not know they’re pregnant until the late stages of pregnancy; occasionally, a person doesn’t realize they’re pregnant until delivery or shortly before it takes place. This type of pregnancy may also be known as stealth pregnancy or hidden pregnancy. It’s hard to be precis...
In the years leading up to menopause, usually beginning when a woman isin her 40s, she may experience the changes that signal that menopause is approaching. Changes in the timing or the pattern of menstrual periods can ...
You can get headaches from shifting hormone levels during your periods, pregnancy, and menopause. The hormone changes from birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can also trigger headaches. When they happen 2 days before your period or in the first 3 days after it starts, they’re...
Diagnosing cramps without the presence of periods can be a complex process, as various underlying causes may lead to this symptom. Initial evaluation When a patient presents with cramps but no period, the health care provider will typically start by conducting a thorough medical history and physical...
Squat with your knees bent when picking things up instead of bending down at the waist. Don't stand on your feet for long periods; if you need to, place one foot on a stool or box for support. Sit in a chair with good back support or place a small pillow behind your lower back....
Dementia or memory loss has seven stages. Early warning symptoms and signs include forgetting familiar names, personality changes, and mood swings with brief periods of anger or rage. The causes of dementia can be irreversible and potentially treatable.
Is it normal to still have periods during pregnancy? Ms. Emma Kirk: No, you should not be having periods during pregnancy. Any bleeding in early pregnancy may be a sign of a threatened early pregnancy loss. However, many women with light bleeding will go on to have a normal pregnancy. ...
This may mean having a late period, missing it altogether, or having spotting between periods. The good news is that your period should return to normal as your stress subsides. It’s especially important to practice safe sex while experiencing an irregular period, as it can be unclear when ...
Delusional disorder is typically a chronic (ongoing) condition. But when properly treated, many people can find relief from their symptoms. Some recover completely, while others have bouts of delusional beliefs with periods of remission (lack of symptoms). ...
Delusional disorder is typically a chronic (ongoing) condition. But when properly treated, many people can find relief from their symptoms. Some recover completely, while others have bouts of delusional beliefs with periods of remission (lack of symptoms). ...