much lactic acid builds up in your bloodstream and your body can't break it down fast enough. Your liver and kidneys usually get rid of lactic acid. When there's too much lactic acid building up too fast, the kidneys can't keep up, causing you to feel the symptoms of lactic acidosis...
Which one of the following consequences of chronic alcohol consumption is irreversible? a. ketoacidosis b. thiamine deficiency c. hypoglycemia d. wernicke-korsakoff syndrome e. lactic acidosis A syndrome of nausea and vomiting that occurs in the first few months of pregnancy is known as ___. Wha...
Check Out what is diabetes and its early symptoms. Know about causes, types and treatment of diabetes. The post explains process of diagnosis of diabetes with home remedies to permanently cure it.
nausea or vomiting, weakness, and headache. You should avoid drinking large amounts of alcohol when taking this drug because it may trigger a rare side effect, a buildup of acid in your blood called lactic acidosis.
Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are individually rare but collectively common disorders, occurring in 1:800 to 1:1000 births. There are more than 1000 known inherited disorders characterized by disruption of metabolic pathways which may present with diverse symptoms affecting any organ at any age...
Acute pancreatitis is a medical emergency and help should be sought immediately. The damage done by digestive enzymes on the pancreas can quickly escalate into bleeding internally, dying tissue, edema, pressure in the abdominal cavity, congestion and failure of other organs, and lactic acidosis. ...
Another rare form of encephalopathy that usually develops in younger people (about ages 4-20 years) is the MELAS syndrome ("Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis, Stroke-like episodes") due to faulty DNA in the patient's mitochondria (a tiny part within the cell that is responsible for...
The treatment of urosepsis will require supportive therapy to assist the patient in the initial to moderate stages of shock. Intravenous fluids to maintain circulating volume are crucial to prevent multiple organ failure. Lactic acidosis is another concern as the more cells are harmed the more delete...
cause the body to fail. For example, patients with poorly-controlleddiabetescan developketoacidosis, lowering the serum pH. Patients who outstrip the body’s ability to get energy from aerobic (using oxygen) metabolism, can become anaerobic, like in excessiveexercise, and develop lactic acidosis. ...
Metabolic acidosis:When the blood acid level is too high, the breathing rate increases to blow off carbon dioxide. Some causes of this includediabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, andhepaticencephalopathy. Central nervous system-related conditions:Tachypnea may be caused by brain abnormalities such as...