Pinkeye(conjunctivitis).It's an infection of your conjunctiva and usually gives your eyes a pink tint. It can be caused by a bacteria or virus, although sometimes you might get it from an allergic reaction or irritants. It's common to getpinkeyewhen you have acold. In adults, it is ...
One of the most common types of eye infection isconjunctivitis, more commonly known aspink eye. Pink eyeis a very contagious eye infection often spread among children in day care centers, classrooms and similar environments. Teachers and day care workers have an increased risk of pink eye when ...
Pink eye, also called conjunctivitis, is an infection of the eye's conjunctiva usually caused by a bacteria or virus that results in red, itchy, painful eyes.
Do you have an eye infection or something more serious? Read medical articles on the symptoms & treatments for eye infections, eye diseases, and eye conditions.
Signs or symptoms around the eye with loss of vision or inability to move the eye (orbital cellulitis) Signs or symptoms around the ear withhearing loss Signs or symptoms around the nose and face Other medical problems that may be affected by even a minor infection, such as diabetes, liver...
MSM eye drops used frequently may help in cases of mild conjunctivitis. It should not be used as a substitute for antibiotics for serious infection. Report by The Analyst™ Click to see sample report Health problems rarely occur in isolation or for obvious reasons Your body is a highly com...
Strabismus, also known as squint, crossed eye or walleye, is a condition whereby one of the eyes may turn in, out, up, or down while the other eye looks ahead…
Common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in women include gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital herpes, and HPV infection (genital warts). Learn about types, symptoms, and treatment.
This bacterium can cause lung infections in infants and young children, and it occasionally causes ear, eye, sinus, joint, and a few other infections, but it does not cause the flu. Another confusing term is stomach flu. This term refers to a gastrointestinal tract infection, not a ...
Many causes of double vision start in the brain. They include: Strokes Aneurysms Increased pressure from injury, bleeding, or infection Tumors Migraine headaches Diplopia Symptoms If you have double vision, you may also notice: One or both eyes not lining up (a "wandering eye" or "cross-eyed...