Hepatitis is contagious, meaning it is passed from person to person. In order to contract hepatitis C, you must come into contact with blood or other body fluids that could contain the blood of an infected person. For injection drug users, sharing needles with someone who is infected with he...
The hepatitis B virus can cause both an initial (acute) and a chronic form of liver inflammation. Only 50% of acute infections with the hepatitis B virus produce symptoms. The initial phase of infection lasts a few weeks, and in most people (90% to 95%), the infection clears. Acute in...
You will be assisted by a doctor for every test that you do. We bring to you affordable testing for HIV and sexually transmitted infections like Chlamydia, syphilis, herpes, hepatitis B , hepatitis C , gonorrhea , HPV, trichomonas and so on. ...
Conclusion: Both genders were almost equally included where most patients presented between the 3rd and 5th decades of life. A high incidence of gastritis was noted. Positive endoscopic findings were associated with betel quid addiction and with Hepatitis C infIftikhar Haider NaqviAbu TalibMuqadus ...
Hepatitis C is a virus that is spread via contaminated blood. It's a viral infection that causes the liver to inflame. The virus then spreads through the bloodstream. This is a curable condition, as long as the sufferer takes swift action....
adults; in males as well as females. It seems that the actual figures of people suffering from Coeliac disease and gluten sensitivity may be much more. It is interesting to note that the gluten-free products market in 2010 was $2.5 billion, which indicates the incidence of this disease ...
It occurs more commonly in females than in males. Causes of CFS: Though the exact cause of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is unidentified some theories suggest CFS may be due to some viral infection or due to the altered immune system. ...
Internal bleeding may occur with broken bones that contain bone marrow in which blood production occurs. These bones have a rich blood supply, and significant amounts of blood can be lost withfractures. The break of a long bone such as the thighbone (femur) can result in the loss of one...
Normally developing pubertal males may be at risk for gynecomastia, which is part of the normal developmental process. Normal male infants also may have the condition. Other risk factors include: Aging, since agingmay promote decreases in testosterone production that can cause the problem. ...
Bowen's disease can affect males and females, more after the age of 60 years; but could occur anytime. It can affect any part of the skin, depending on exposure, more commonly affecting palms and soles, genitals, legs, and hands. The symptoms include slow growth of crust formation in ir...