Symptoms and signs of a sick chihuahua often can go unnoticed. Your chihuahua can not explain its symptoms, so it’s your responsibility to keep him or her healthy and to determine whether or not they need veterinary care. Chihuahuas tend to want to hide their illness, so it is up to y...
Feeling unusually sick and tired shortly after eating. The “sick” feeling can be described as like you have a touch of the stomach flu, like you are on the verge of getting a cold, like you have cold (chills) and hot sweats (flushes), like your body feels sore and achy, or like...
"My nausea gave me the same feeling as if I had walked past a dumpster. The smell just turns your stomach..."
-Sick to my stomach-Crampy-Sore lower back-Frequent urination-Tender/sensitive breasts-Sudden dislike of my favorite food (Which is Pasta ^_^)-Weird cravings (Such as Peanut Butter/Nutella on Pizza)-Having trouble pooping regularly. I've been feeling/having those symptoms for about a week str...
Excess of energy, you feel you can't relax Facial Tics Falling dropping sensation Fast-Forward Feeling Feel cold, chilly, cold all the time Feeling faint Feel heavy; body feels heavier than normal Feel ill and sick, yet can't describe how you feel but that you feel ill in some way Feel...
(for example, feeling sad, change in sleeppattern or appetite, general discontent, change in activity level, or increased irritability) that the person is beginning to experience either a mood episode or the triggers for mood episodes (like lack of sleep, use of alcohol or other drugs, ...
Mode of travel Poor ventilation in the traveling vehicle The inability to see out of a window to aid orientation What are the symptoms of motion sickness? The signs and symptoms of motion sickness usually begin with a feeling of uneasiness followed by cold sweats (sweating) and dizziness. Some...
Shortness of breath Unexplained weight loss If you have mesothelioma, it’s better to be diagnosed at an early stage when the cancer is easier to treat. This is why it’s so important to see a specialist immediately after you start feeling sick. “I was having a hard time breathing, and...
Feeling of impending doom Loss of consciousness Common Anaphylaxis Causes The mostcommon causes of anaphylaxisare:6 Wasp andbee venom Legumes, especiallypeanuts Animal proteins, especially cow’s milk, eggs, and seafood Medications, especiallyantibioticsand nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ...
Your brain can’t take in all those mixed signals. That’s why you end up feeling dizzy and sick. The Role of the Ears Your innerears, in particular, help control your sense of balance. They are part of a network called the vestibular system. ...