Liver performs wide variety of functions in the body, that includes processing what we eat and drink, and filtering harmful substances from the blood. Fatty liver or Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) develops when the body makes too much fat or can’t metabolize fat efficiently enough....
Alcoholic and Non Alcoholic. Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease iscaused by alcoholismwhereas Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease iscaused by obesity and metabolic syndrome. Both diseases can be asymptomatic at first and may only be discovered by lab tests or other tests to scan the liver for fat globul...
The liver is located just below the diaphragm (the muscular membrane separating the chest from the abdomen), primarily in the upper right part of the abdomen, mostly under the ribs. However, it also extends across the middle of the upper abdomen and part way into the left upper abdomen. An...
Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic lipidosis, is a buildup of fat in the liver that can happen when a cat stops eating for a period of days. Hepatic lipidosis can be fatal to your feline friend if left untreated. Recognizing the risk factors and symptoms of fatty liver disease ea...
Picture of the liver, the largest gland in the body Non-alcoholic fattyliver diseaseis characterized by increased accumulation of fat, especiallytriglycerides, in thelivercells. It is normal for the liver to contain some fat and by itself, this causes no symptoms. ...
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis:This type of liver disease occurs in a small number of people with fatty liver. The fat leads to inflammation in the liver, which impairs the liver’s ability to function. This type can lead to cirrhosis. (4) ...
All enrollees underwent a detailed clinical history, a complete physical examination, laboratory tests, and phenotyping of abdominal and liver fat by MRI. GERD was evaluated using the Pediatric GERD Symptom and Quality of Life Questionnaire. There were no significant differences in age, gender, ...
Fatty liver disease is an abnormal accumulation of fat in the liver that may compromise the liver's ability to function. There are two types of fatty liver disease. One is associated with alcohol use (alcoholic fatty liver disease) and one is not (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease). Another ...
Fatty liver disease.When your body doesn’t process fats as well, they can build up in your liver. Getting your weight to a healthy level and cholesterol under control (below 200 for total cholesterol) will reduce the amount of fat in your liver. ...
The cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is complex and not completely understood.The most important factors appear to be the presence ofobesityanddiabetes.It used to be thought that obesity was nothing more than the simple accumulation of fat in the body. Fat tissues were thought to be ...