When you rely on backup generators to stay warm, you risk getting carbon monoxide poisoning. What is it? What are the symptoms? And how do you avoid it?
Carbon monoxide is especially dangerous for infants, those who are pregnant, and people with ailments such asemphysema(which damages the air sacs in your lungs),asthma, orheart disease. Smaller amounts of the fumes can hurt them. Long-term effects of carbon monoxide poisoning It's critical to...
bus, or airplane or the cabins near the center waterline of a ship, wearing sunglasses, and/or reclining your head (about 300) and supporting your head. Avoid smells (like exhaust fumes), alcohol, and dehydration, and eat light and bland meals. ...
Lead poisoning, deleterious effect of a gradual accumulation of lead in the body, as a result of repeated exposure to lead-containing substances. In humans the main sources of lead are usually lead-based paint and drinking water carried through lead pipe
carbon monoxide poisoning, often fatal condition resulting from inhalation of carbon monoxide, frequently occurring in association with inhalation of smoke or automobile exhaust. Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying substance in blood, has a much greater affinity for carbon monoxide than it has for oxygen, ...