This study included 2 measures of depression criteria. Both scales demonstrated acceptable internal consistency. The 2 scales also were highly correlated with each other, as well as with MDE, indicating that they are measuring related constructs. The fact that the 2 scales were more strongly correla...
This statistical principle was demonstrated in the current study. A sample of 183 university students completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) at two timepoints separated by a 3-month interval. Consistent with past results, analyses revealed substantial changes in symptom scores over time with ...
This study examined the measurement of depressive symptoms among American Indian adolescents as assessed by the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), Youth Self Report (YSR), and the Tri-Ethnic Center's for Prevention Research Depression Scale (TEDS). This analysis demonstrated ...
This meta-analysis investigates the prevalence of depression and depressive symptoms among resident physicians as reported in the peer-reviewed literature.
Besides rumination, other potentially maladaptive emotion regulation strategies, such as self-blame (attributing negative events to oneself), have also been linked to depressive symptoms in adolescents (Garnefski & Kraaij,2016), supporting cognitive models of depression (Abramson et al.,1978; Beck,1987...
A number of different psychotherapy techniques have been demonstrated to be helpful, depending on the causes of the depression, the availability of family and other social support, and an individual's personal style and preference. A technique called cognitive behavioral therapy can help a depressed ...
In China, In China, depression among the oldest-old (aged 80+years) is a major public health issue. As the gap in development between urban and rural China widens, the aim of this study was to demonstrated whether there are disparities in the incidence of depressive symptoms between the urb...
Previous research has demonstrated the positive effects of early contact on mother–infant touching behaviours. The present study investigated whether the type of maternal touching, shortly after birth, is also determined by the mother's mood state. Mothers with depressive symptoms were compared to non...
demonstrated in adolescence (Pearson and Wilkinson2013; Robinson et al.2013); we extend existing research by demonstrating the presence of them as early as in late childhood. Another contribution is that we found that pubertal development was associated with an increase of depression disparities ...
Web-based cognitive-behavioral therapeutic (CBT) apps have demonstrated efficacy but are characterized by poor adherence. Conversational agents may offer a convenient, engaging way of getting support at any time. The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary...