Learn about influenza (flu) symptoms, treatment with antiviral drugs, flu shot side effects, and prevention during flu season. Discover when to get the flu vaccine, how long the flu lasts, the contagious period, flu types, and how it spreads.
And while the 2024–25 seasonal flu vaccinedoesn’t protect against H5N1 bird flu, the more people who get the vaccine, the lower the chances of the current bird flu outbreak becoming a pandemic, the CDC says. That’s because it’s possible for the two flu types to exchange genetic mater...
Created on 24 Jun 2024 Updated on 16 Jul 2024 Share Sinus infection (sinusitis or rhinosinusitis) is a common condition characterised by inflammation and swelling of the sinuses. It is usually caused by an infection, such as a cold or flu. Sinusitis can be uncomfortable and disruptive, but ...
Last updated October 5, 2024 Anxiety attacks (panic attacks) are episodes of acute fears accompanied by strong symptoms, such as pounding and racing heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, tingling, feeling it is out of control, and more. Anxiety and panic attacks are common symptoms...
I went to my primary care and she ordered a lot of blood work. Negative for everything, covid, flu, mono, everything was normal, including iron study, except my vitamin D was a little low. I started taking vitamin D. But I was still tired and I always felt this “on edge” ...
Some patients have a "prodrome," which is the occurrence of certain symptoms before the actual sores become fully evident. The prodrome to herpes infections typically involves flu-like symptoms and a burning or tingling sensation that precedes the appearance of blisters by a few hours or a day...
Now, folks who test positive for COVID can return to normal activities 24 hours after their symptoms start improving—the same recommendation given for flu and other respiratory infections. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is following suit. The agency recently announced that its COVID ...
Take control of your health. With GoodRx, you may be eligible to save even more on popular treatments. Get Savings The different types of diabetes Type 2 diabetes isn’t the onlytype of diabetes, but it’s by far the most common. It affectsabout 95%of allpeople with diabetes. ...
There have been very few cases of human-to-human transmission during bird flu outbreaks. The rare instances were among people with very close contact, such as a mother who caught the virus while caring for her sick infant. No person-to-person spread has been reported in the 2024 outbreak....
Although similar-sounding, Haemophilus influenzae bacteria are not related to the flu virus. Gram-negative pneumonia. This is pneumonia caused by bacteria such as E. coli, Klebsiella or Pseudomonas. (They're called gram-negative because of how they respond to a chemical staining process in the...