The most common symptom is intermittent persistent neck and shoulder pain. The pain can be chronic or episodic, associated with long periods of remission. Neck painis often accompanied by stiffness which progressively worsens. Pain may also radiate to the shoulders or to the occiput. Many patients...
The prognosis for acute tonsillitis is generally good. The vast majority of individuals with tonsillitis have a full recovery without any long-term problems. However, complications can sometimes occur, especially with cases of bacterial tonsillitis. The prognosis for chronic tonsillitis depends on the...
there is a good chance that you will develop tonsillitis as well. But getting tonsillitis does not always mean that you have strep throat. Your doctor will need to swab the back of your throat and perform a culture to determine whether strep bacteria are present. ...
Chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis is a persistent infection of the tonsils. Repeated infections may cause the formation of small pockets (crypts) in the tonsils, which harbor bacteria. Frequently, small foul-smelling stones develop within these crypts. These stones (tonsilloliths) may contain hi...
Chronic tonsillitis Chronic tonsillitis is a persistent infection of the tonsils. Repeated infections may cause the formation of small pockets (crypts) in the tonsils, which harbor bacteria. Frequently, small foul-smelling stones develop within these crypts. These stones (tonsilloliths) may contain hi...
Hello! I know that you had tonsillitis recently and I want to ask you what your symptoms of tonsillitis were. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
laryngitis need no testing to confirm the diagnosis. In those patients with chronic laryngitis, the necessity for blood tests,X-raysand other diagnostic tests will depend upon the patient presentation and the potential concerns that the health care professional has regarding the cause of the hoarsen...
Tonsillitis Trigeminal Neuralgia Ulcerative Colitis Underactive Thyroid Urticaria Vitiligo Warts Writers Cramp (Dystonia) General - Not Listed Above UPI/Paytm/PhonePe/Debit card/Credit card/Net banking PayPal START MY TREATMENT Ask To Dr. Shah's Team I hereby, authorize you to call...
Acutebronchitisrefers to inflammation of thebronchi, or large airways, within thelungs. The term acute implies that this is an illness that has come on suddenly rather than a longstanding problem such aschronic bronchitis. Viral andbacterial infectionsare the most common causes of acutebronchitis, ...
Does anyone here have chronic tonsil infections? I do. My tonsils get inflamed and swollen. It goes away for a while when I'm on antibiotics and then it returns. I think I'm going to have to get a tonsillectomy. ByfBoyle— On Aug 09, 2013 ...