When lung cancer metastasizes, the tumor in the lung is called the primary tumor, and the tumors in other parts of the body are called secondary or metastatic tumors. Some tumors in the lung are metastatic from cancers elsewhere in the body. The lungs are a common site for metastasis. If...
Lung Carcinoid Tumor Responsible for under 5% of lung cancer cases, these are also known as Lung Neuroendocrine Tumors. They usually grow slowly and rarely spread. Incidence; Causes and Development Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for men, and the second-most common cause for ...
The symptoms turn on the tumor's location, its size and its ability to affect body functions. Carcinoids can form anywhere in the digestive tract or in scattered sites such as the lungs or pancreas. The carcinoid type can dictate effect. A hormone-producing carcinoid might be behind flushing...
The lung also is a very common site for metastasis from malignant tumors in other parts of the body. The same types of cells as the original (primary) tumor make up tumor metastases. For example, ifprostate cancerspreads via the bloodstream to the lungs, it is metastatic prostate cancerin ...
site for metastasis from malignant tumors in other parts of the body. The same types of cells as the original (primary) tumor make up tumor metastases. For example, ifprostate cancerspreads via the bloodstream to the lungs, it is metastatic prostate cancerin the lung and is not lung cancer...
site for metastasis from malignant tumors in other parts of the body. The same types of cells as the original (primary) tumor make up tumor metastases. For example, ifprostate cancerspreads via the bloodstream to the lungs, it is metastatic prostate cancerin the lung and is not lung cancer...
Carcinoid cancer is a rare type of slow-growing tumor that can occur in the lungs or the digestive tract. Learn more.
Background Thymic carcinoid is one of an extremely rare type of malignant neuroendocrine tumor with a poor prognosis. Invasion of thymic carcinoid to other organs could lead to devastating consequences. It has been reported that thymic carcinoid mainly invaded to the pleura, lungs, liver, pancreas ...
Stage III.The tumor at this stage may have grown very large and invaded other organs near the lungs. Or this stage may indicate a smaller tumor accompanied by cancer cells in lymph nodes farther away from the lungs. Stage IV.Cancer has spread beyond the affected lung to the other lung or...
Octreotide nuclear scan is a test used to detect carcinoid tumors and to determine sites to which they have spread. Bronchoscopy: This procedure is used to visualize the inside of the trachea (windpipe) and large airways in the lung for abnormal growths. After giving the person a sedative, ...