Cancer pain is one of most prevalent symptoms in patients with cancer. Acupuncture and related techniques have been suggested for the management of cancer
Back pain that travels into another part of the body, such as the leg, may be consider radicular pain (because itradiates; get it?), particularly when it radiates below the knee. This scenario is commonly called a lumbarradiculopathy(e.g.,sciatica). Fortunately, not all occurrences of back...
Cancerpatients If you have been using steroids for a while If your immune system has been lower than normal Some Causes of Back Pain The back comprises of compound structures of ligaments, muscles, tendons, bones and disks. If any of these constituents develops a problem, back pain may occur...
Back pain, pelvic pain, bloating, or indigestion These are common symptoms of daily life, often related to food intake, muscle spasms, or strains, but they also can be seen in ovarian cancer. Ovarian cancer is particularly difficult to treat because it is frequently diagnosed late in the co...
32 related questions found What was your first colon cancer symptom? A persistent change in your bowel habits, includingdiarrhea or constipationor a change in the consistency of your stool. Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool. Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or pain. A ...
Cancer 2013; 119: 4333-40.Cleeland CS, Zhao F, Chang V, et al. The symptom burden of cancer: evidence for a core set of cancer-related and treatment- related symptoms from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Symptom Outcomes and practice patterns study. Cancer. 2013; 15:4333-4340....
Early throat cancer symptoms Most people with early throat cancer don't have any symptoms. If you do, you may see a lump or mass on one side. Usually, it won't hurt, but sometimes you may have some pain in the back of your throat. You may also have trouble swallowing. ...
Some people have conditions which increases their risk of become seriously ill if they get COVID-19.The conditions include:high blood pressure diabetes heart issues lung problems obesity cancer immunosuppressed pregnancy over the age of 60 years old.Generally, people at higher risk of severe illness...
Chronic paincan outlive its usefulness; the message has been sent and received, but keeps being sent over and over. Examples includearthritis,cancerand back injuries. Symptoms Pain is the symptom. Acute pain often has a clear source and may be described as sharp, radiating, stabbing or boring...
After it has spread, the cancer can cause: Pelvic pain Trouble peeing Swollen legs Kidney failure Bone pain Weight loss and lack of appetite Fatigue Backache Stomach pain When to call your doctor Bleeding after menopause is never normal, so talk to your doctor as soon as possible if you hav...