Signs and symptoms of eating or weight problems include: Extreme thirst, dehydration, or hunger Losing weight without trying or abnormal weight loss Desire to binge on food excessively Desire to vomit on purpose Desire to starve (not eat at all) A preoccupation with food and weight Distorted bod...
Although it might not be possible to prevent all cases of binge eating disorder, it is helpful to begin treatment as soon as symptoms start. In addition, teaching and encouraginghealthy eatinghabits and realistic attitudes about food andbody imagemight be helpful in preventing the development or ...
a refraining from the use of or indulgence in food, stimulants, or coitus. periodic abstinencenatural family planning; seecontraception. abstinence syndromewithdrawal(def. 2). Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an...
Binge eating (BE) episodes are associated to overweight, inclusively in youngsters, and can be involved with weight gain especially among subjects seeking treatment for obesity. Parents can adopt a number of practices to restrain their children's eating habits. Nevertheless, instead of preventing obes...
to be an effective treatment for BPD. Schema therapy, also called schema-focused cognitive therapy, is based on a theory that many maladaptive ways of thinking (cognitions) are the result of past experiences. This approach to psychotherapy has also been found to alleviate the symptoms of BPD. ...
Biochemical characteristics, body composition, the degree of symptoms of binge eating, and macronutrients, and sodium consumption pre- and post-treatment were determined. The prevalence of MetS dropped from 75% to 45.8%, post-therapy. Among the markers of MetS, waist circumference and systolic ...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder is the DSM term for a subgroup of the broader but ill-defined clinical syndrome of dysmorphophobia, which was first described by Morselli (1886) as 'a subjective description of ugliness and physical defect which the patient feels is noticeable to others.' ...
Progestin is a drug that behaves like the female hormoneprogesterone. Progestinsworkby suppressing the growth of endometrial impacts and reducing endometriosis-induced inflammation in the pelvic cavity. During the treatment, women lose their periods and ability to conceive. Women who have had long-acti...
CKD is a condition where yourkidneyscan't filter toxins or extra fluid from your blood as well as they should. While the condition can vary in how serious it is, CKD usually gets worse over time. Treatment can slow the progression of the disease. ...
psychological trauma;PTSD;exposure therapy;eye movements;bilateral stimulation;brief treatment 1. Introduction Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent, disabling anxiety disorder that may occur after witnessing a traumatic event which then evokes a combination of re-experiencing, avoidance, nu...