It is where bile, that green bitter liquid we find in our vomit, is stored. It has a narrow part that joins the liver ducts and those of the pancreas, before they continue as a single drainage duct into the small intestine. The liver produces about 500 to 1500mLs of bile every day....
The common bile duct can get obstructed by the gallstones. It can lead to the disruption of normal bile flow into the intestine. So, your muscle cells in the bile duct contract forcefully. It is to move the stone from the duct. But, the excess pressure can result in biliary colic. Oth...
Ulcerative colitis affects your colon, which is part of your digestive system. Many conditions can cause stomach pain and digestive issues, so how do you know if you have ulcerative colitis? It depends on how severe it is and what part of your colon is affected. Symptoms of Ulcerative Coliti...
often caused by stones in the bile duct. The gallstones can block the flow of the bile from the liver to the small intestine, resulting in either a dull ache or sharp pain in the surrounding area. It may be extremely painful to touch the gallbladder area, and you may...
CT scanor, in some cases,ultrasoundis helpful in assessing complications outside of the intestine, such as fistulas, anabscess, or abnormalities of the liver, bile duct, or kidneys.MRImay be used instead. Radionuclide-tagged white blood cell scancan be very useful in defining the location and...
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP):This test uses an x-ray to look at your bile ducts, as pancreatic cancer can cause slow bile flow and bile duct issues. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography PTC):This procedure is an x-ray that looks at your liver and bile ducts after...
Gallstones can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. You can have one large stone or hundreds of little ones. Some people get a mix of big and small stones. You might not know that you have them until one or more block abile duct, causing pain. ...
The liver and gallbladder are involved in the formation of bile, which is very important for your digestion. Bile ducts long tube-like structures that carry bile. To improve bile flow and your bile duct health: eat an anti-inflammatory diet, address food sensitivities, eliminate processed food...
invading and destroying the normal tissue as it expands. Such primary liver cancer can also spread to other parts of the body including the lungsand lymph nodes. Within the liver, cancer can also arise from the tubes that carry the bile. These bile duct cancers called intrahepaticcholangiocarcino...
Gallstones can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball. You can have one large stone or hundreds of little ones. Some people get a mix of big and small stones. You might not know that you have them until one or more block abile duct, causing pain. ...