Not knowing if your chihuahua is feeling sick or how to care for your chihuahua when they are sick can beVERYstressful! This article will help you determine if your chihuahua is showing signs and symptoms of being ill and when you need to take them to see a veterinarian. Be Prepared: Que...
It can be hard to tell if you are sick with a cold orfluorhave allergies, because all three can share similar symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, and sore throat. But there are somedifferences that can help you tellwhether your symptoms are from allergies or being sick. How Long Sy...
The aim of this study is to explore whether or not being already on sick leave at admission to a psychosomatic clinic indicates a higher level of severity of symptoms in patients with anxiety disorders, and whether or not this has an impact on therapy outcome. We examined 194 in-patients at...
When the symptoms of a possible sick building syndrome appeared in a library building more than twenty years ago, it was thought that the situation could be easily fixed. Instead, we are still managing a problem building although extensive work has been done and much progress has been made to...
Feeling unusually sick and tired shortly after eating. The “sick” feeling can be described as like you have a touch of the stomach flu, like you are on the verge of getting a cold, like you have cold (chills) and hot sweats (flushes), like your body feels sore and achy, or like...
You should also keep isolating if you have a runny nose or aresneezing, have ˌdia·'rrhoeaor if you feel or are being sick. In fact for diarrhea and being sick, you needto wait until you’ve had no symptoms for two days before you can leave thehouse....
About 25% to 30% of people infected with COVID-19 never develop symptoms, according to various estimates. Although people infected with COVID-19 may never get sick themselves, they can still spread the virus to others – some of whom unfortunately will get quite sick. At least 50% of ...
Also see a GP if you have bloating along with being sick, diarrhoea, constipation, weight loss or blood in your poo, or you find it difficult to move or do daily activities because you’re bloated.Latest stories Cover Media Bloating: How to combat it this Christmas Christmas is a time ...
Once a dog has been exposed to rabies, the virus will travel through the nerves to the spinal cord and brain. This can take anywhere from 3-12 weeks and the dog will not show signs of being sick during this phase. Once the virus reaches the brain, the dog will begin showing symptoms...
Body phobias – like being sick or seeing blood Sexual phobias – like performance anxiety Situational phobias – like going to the dentist Agoraphobia People with agoraphobia are afraid of being in situations where they may not be able / it may be difficult to escape, or where they wouldn’t...