The clinical effects of atherosclerotic disease are characterized by a disproportion between oxygen demand and oxygen supply. If, as a result of coronary insufficiency, this misrelation exists in the heart, it places restrictions on physical performance. Performance capacity can only be improved by ...
Early detection and diagnosis make heart disease easier to treat. That's why it's important to know the warning signs and symptoms of heart disease.
Atherosclerosis is the process of the hardening of an artery due to the build-up of cholesterol-containing plaque. Atherosclerosis is responsible for coronary artery disease—the leading cause of death in America—and many cases of stroke. Altogether, atherosclerosis is responsible for at least 43 ...
Atherosclerosisis the disease that is a result of progressive narrowing and hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis arises as a result of plaques building up on the inner lining of the artery wall. These plaques are also known asatheromasoratheromatous/atheroscleroticplaques. As the plaques grow l...
Atherosclerosisis the leading cause of illness and death in the United States and most other Western countries. It causes about one million deaths per year in the United States alone, double the number of deaths from cancer. The disease develops slowly. It shows few symptoms until the arteries...
How can I prevent atherosclerosis? You may not be able to control some of your risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as a family history of heart disease. However, certain lifestyle habits may lower your risk: Avoiding recreational drugs. ...
Causes of Atherosclerosis Doctors don't know exactly how atherosclerosis starts. But it's believed to begin when the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that lines your arteries, somehow gets damaged. It's a progressive disease that can begin in childhood. ...
What Are the Early Signs and Symptoms of Atherosclerosis? You may not know you have atherosclerosis until the plaque is so thick that blood can’t get through your artery. Clogged arteries in different places in your body will cause different symptoms: ...
However, the condition is largely preventable with a healthy lifestyle and treatment can help reduce the risk of serious problems happening. If left to worsen, atherosclerosis can lead to a number of serious conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, and there will not usually be any symptoms ...
The goal of treating atherosclerosis is to restore as much blood flow as possible to the affected areas. This goal can be achieved by reducing risk factors that can be changed through steps such as the following: Taking drugs to normalize blood pressure, if blood pressure is high. (See High...