An anal fistula is an abnormal tunnel that forms between the inside of theanus(the hole at the end of your digestive tract through which solid waste leaves the body) and the skin around it. It usually forms after an infection in one of the glands inside the anus, which causes a painful...
Learn about the causes of anal and vaginal itching, like pinworms, diarrhea, psoriasis, anal fissure, hemorrhoids, skin tags, yeast infection, diabetes, and HIV. Plus, read about treatment options, causes, diagnosis, and home remedies.
Most cases of anal itching can be diagnosed by taking a history and doing a physical exam. If there appears to be an infection, your doctor may want to do cultures to determine what type of germ is causing the problem. What Are Home Remedies for Anal Itching? Try not to irritate the s...
Fistulas usually develop when anal glands become infected. Your body creates the fistula as a way to drain pus from the infection. Pus-filled anal abscesses that result from infected anal glands cause 75% of anal fistulas. Symptoms of anal fistulas include pain, swelling, itching, and redness ...
Chlamydia is an infection caused by bacterium Chlamydia Trachomatis, transmitted sexually and can infect both males and females. Modes of transmission: Chlamydia spreads through unprotected vaginal sex, oral or anal sex with an infected individual. Penetration is not essential for the spread of ...
pimples, bumps and other abnormalities around genitals and anal area pain in lower abdominal area pain in testicles bleeding after sex This is a generalized list of the major signs, pointing to a possible infection. The only valid method to determine the STD with a high level of certainty is...
High-risk HPV infection of the anal lining tissues is the most common cause of anal cancer. The cancer cells arise in areas of the body when some of the cells of a tissue become abnormal in both their gross and microscopic appearance and in their behavior. These malignant cells can damage...
Actually...this is much worse!! You may have a tear, especially if you are not practiced at anal sex. If so, your blood could go septic and you could get a massive infection from stool getting directly into your bloodstream. Yes, go to your OBGYN...BUT DON"T WAIT! If your regular...
By contrast, a perianal abscess is a shallower collection of pus under the skin surrounding the anus; however, both are sometimes described as an anal abscess. Both types of abscesses need immediate medical attention; however, a perirectal abscess usually is the more severe infection. ...
Abdominal pain Increased susceptibility to urinary tract infection (UTI) is also a symptom of chronic diarrhea in the elderly. Whatever constipation symptoms you may have, if it is lasting for more than three days, it is best that you consult your doctor. ...