If you smell gas, you may have a gas leak. If you think you have a problem, extinguish all sources of sparks, including turning off the pilot lights on your gas stove, furnace or water heater. Do not use your cell phone. Open your windows to let fresh air in and remove people and ...
After that, your doctor will send you for a pulmonary function test to assess lung health. You’ll do a spirometry test, which involves blowing air through a mouthpiece and into a machine that determines the amount of air you can exhale and the rate you can expel it. (The machine is al...
The EVAP system is a sealed gas vapor system that pulls the fuel vapors from the gas tank and burns them through the engine instead of releasing them into the air. If there is a leak in the lines between the gas tank and the engine, or if the lines are blocked, it could trigger ...
However, if you observe a sharp drop in fuel economy over a short period, such as a few weeks, this is a strong indicator of potential issues with the ECM or its associated sensors. The ECM relies on accurate data from various sensors to adjust the air-fuel mixture and engine timing....
The rush of air out will force out whatever is causing the person to choke. How to perform abdominal thrusts Lean the person forward slightly and stand behind him or her. Make a fist with one hand. Put your arms around the person and grasp your fist with your other hand in the midline...
An asthma attackis a condition in which the lining of the airways swells. The muscles around the airways tighten and make the airways narrower. All of these changes in the lungsblock the adequate flow of air, making it hard to breathe. ...
Long-term fuel trim (LTFT)There is also along-term fuel trim (LTFT), which is a long-term compensation of the base air/fuel ratio. For example, if over time, the engine gradually develops a small vacuum leak, it makes the engine run leaner (more air and less fuel). In a long te...
The radiator is built of many flat aluminum tubes surrounded by fins. The air passing through the radiator cools down the coolant as it flows down the radiator.One or two electric fans attached to the back of the radiator turn on when needed to force more air through the radiator. A ...
Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue, are often mistaken for the flu because the deadly gas goes undetected in a home. Prolonged exposure can lead to brain damage and even death. Move all family members and pets to fresh air away from the source...
To sum-up, these are the general easy-to-notice signs of gasket failure:Oil trickling down between the head and block surfaces. The leak will get bigger with time and possibly lead to a coolant leaking. The Sulphur or fuel smell from the coolant reservoir. At this stage, you will also ...