The cause of adenovirus infections is usually person to person through close personal contact (touch, shaking hands),coughing, sneezing,diaperchanging, and touching items that have been used by an infected person. The virus has occasionally been documented to spread in water such as swimming pools....
Adenovirus infections happen in children more often than in adults, but anyone can get them. Most kids will have at least one type of adenovirus infection by the time they're 10. These viruses are common in places with large groups of kids, such as day care centers, schools, and summer ...
Norovirus infection is the most common cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks in the U.S. Although some people call this the "stomach flu," norovirus is not related to the influenza virus. According to statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control andPrevention(CDC), there are 19-21 milli...
What are the symptoms of an amoeba infection? Do animals that survive parvo have neurological disorders? What are the symptoms of smallpox? What is vestibular disease in dogs? What are the types of viral disease? What are adenovirus symptoms?
What are the classic signs of Ebola in all primates? Do opossums carry the rabies virus? What are adenovirus symptoms? What type of virus is canine parvovirus? What are the symptoms of dengue fever? What are the signs of the parvovirus in dogs?Explore...
Infections, especiallyviral infections, are the biggest cause of myocarditis. When you havean infection,your body makes cells to fight the virus. These cells release chemicals. If the disease-fighting cells enter your heart, some chemicals they release canaggravateyour heart muscle.This causesinflamma...
But doctors and health officials have known that adenovirus infection can cause liver inflammation. That’s not new. What is unusual is for otherwise healthy young children to become so suddenly ill, which is why public health officials are spreading the word and continuing to probe other possible...
Adenovirus infection is very contagious and may be spread by either direct contact, such as hand contact, or in contaminated swimming pools. You should seek medical attention if you suspect any of the above. How are eye allergies diagnosed? The diagnosis of eye allergies can be suspected based...
What is a gardnerella bacterial infection? What is the difference between viral and bacterial chest infections? What are the symptoms of bacteria in the intestines? What are the symptoms of eczema? What are adenovirus symptoms? What is the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia?
What type of microbe is HIV? How does HIV mutate? What are the symptoms of the rabies virus? How are HIV and AIDS different? What are the effects of the AIDS pandemic? What is AIDS caused by? What is the virulence of HIV? What are adenovirus symptoms?