If your hives last longer than two months, it is also likely you will benefit from visiting a physician. What is the best treatment for hives? Antihistamines The goal of treating most cases of ordinary acute urticaria is to relieve symptoms while the condition goes away by itself. The most ...
Shortness of breath is a key COVID-19 symptom, and dry cough is another early warning sign. Patients can experience persistent chest pain or pressure as the virus leads to lung inflammation and COVID-19 pneumonia. In acute respiratory distress syndrome, an advanced COVID-19 complication, it ...
Viral Diseases occur when an organism's body is invaded by pathogenic viruses. Common cold, Chicken Pox are a few examples of viral Diseases.
What we loosely refer to as COVID (now a pandemic, meaning that it’s spread around the world), is officially called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) because of its similarity to the coronavirus strain that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome 1 (SARS-COV-...
The signs and symptoms ofacuteviralhepatitis result from damage to the liver and are similar regardless of thehepatitis virus responsible. Patients may experience a flulikeillness, with symptoms such asnausea,vomiting, abdominalpain,fever,fatigue, loss ofappetite, and, less commonly, rash andjointpai...
The signs and symptoms of acute viral hepatitis result from damage to the liver and are similar regardless of the hepatitis virus responsible. Patients may experience a flulike illness, with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, and, less commonly,...
Diseases that affect the immune system, such ascystic fibrosisand HIV Subacute sinusitis This type of sinusitis falls between acute and chronic. If your sinusitis lasts more than 4 weeks but less than 12 weeks, you will be diagnosed with subacute sinusitis. Your symptoms may not be as sever...
destruction of the pancreas tissue. Common causes include recurrence of the same causes of acute pancreatitis. Alcohol misuse is by far the most common cause while malnutrition, infections, congenital abnormalities, autoimmune factors and diseases of other organs/systems (secondary) are also responsible...
Stomach flu is the nickname for an illness called viral gastroenteritis, a gut bug that’s different from influenza. Norovirus isn’t related to the flu, which is an infection of the respiratory system that triggersfever, chills, aches, and pains. In fact, there’s no such thing as stomac...
Although the exact cause of the viral mutation is not known, it is known that several factors appear to influence the mutation. Most cases of FIP occur inyoung cats. An inadequate immune response combined with other stressors, such as a move, neutralization surgery, vaccination, or the presenc...