Retinal detachment is a seriouseyecondition that happens when your retina -- a layer of tissue at the back of youreyethat processes light -- pulls away from the tissue around it. Doctors also call it detached retina. Since your retina can't work properly when this happens, you could have ...
fluid may leak into the space behind the retina, causing it to peel away from the back wall of the eye. A detached retina is partially cut off from the blood supply and nourishment it needs for health. As a result, vision
Detachedretina:You’ll notice a sudden onset of flashing lights often paired with blackfloatersin yourvision. It won’t hurt, but at first you might see a dark curtain or veil covering a portion of yourvision. Cover oneeyeand then the other and compare the sight in each one. It’s impo...
When a child is born too early, retinal blood vessels do not have time to finish growing properly. In the early stages of ROP, there are only subtle changes and no obvious symptoms. In more advanced stages, the retina can become detached, causing blindness. Diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic ...
In adults aged 50 and over, macular degeneration is a top cause of irreversible vision loss. AMD affects the macula— the small round area in the center of the retina — which is located in the back of the eye. The macula plays a crucial role in your vision. It maintains your sharpest...
Flashes of light occur after being hit in the eye or face Cloudy floaters (gray or dark spots that move back and forth in your vision) Vision changes These could be signs of a torn or detached retina, which could lead toblindnessif not promptly and properly treated. ...
Detached Retina What is Detached Retina? Retinal detachment is a condition when the retina or tissue layer of the eye lugs away from the underlying tissue that which nourished and provides it with oxygen. It is an emergency situation wherein a delay in treatment can lead to oxygen deprivation ...
or a curtain drawn over your visual field. Risk factors for retinal detachment include being a nearsighted adult age 25 to 50, or an elderly person after cataract surgery. Treatment for a detached retina involves surgery, mostly using lasers, that can improve vision affected by the retinal deta...
PVD isn't painful and many people have no symptoms or vision loss. Less than 15% of people with vitreous degeneration will have a complication. Does having a PVD increase your risk of retina tear and retina detachment? Yes. Due to the gel pulling away from the retina, there is an increa...
A detached retina For this surgery, the doctor would remove the gel-like substance that’s in the middle of your eye called vitreous humor. Your eye will be numbed and you may be given general anesthesia to help you sleep through the procedure. The doctor uses very fine tools to remove ...