There are an estimated 2,500 species of fleas in the world. The most common flea species in the U.S. is the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, which also infests dogs and can bite humans. Humans can be bitten by so-called "sand fleas," usually found at the beach and in coastal ...
The immunodeficiency virus attacks the cells of theimmune system(white blood cells or leukocytes) by destroying or damaging them. This leads to a gradual deterioration of the cat's immune function. In the early stages of infection, there may beno obvious signs of disease, and the cat may appe...
Kids are more at risk for cat scratch fever than adults; a little over half of people who get it are younger than 18 years. In the U.S., you're more likely to get it in fall and winter because a little over half of cases happen in September through January. In most cases, sympt...
Most cat owners suspect mange because their cat is scratching themselves more than usual. Mites are itchy and uncomfortable, so your cat will do whatever they can for relief. They will lick, bite, or scratch the affected spots. Your cat's attempts to stop the itching can worsen the problem...
Certain bitewoundsrequire immediate attention: The bite caused by a wild animal or a stray dog or cat Possibility of teeth, dirt, or other matter in the wound Excessive bleeding Weakness or numbness of the area or another area away from the bite ...
Sometimes people who get cat scratch disease do not recall ever being scratched or bitten by a cat. In people who have a normal immune system, cat scratch disease is usually not a serious illness. A small papule (a raised bump) develops at the bite, scratch, or site of injury within ...
What Are Signs andSymptomsof a Tick Bite? Tick bites are generally painless. Many people may not even notice the bite and may never find the tick if it falls off. Small ticks, like the deer tick that transmits Lyme disease, are so tiny they may be nearly undetectable. Some nymphal tic...
Heartworm diseaseis when worms infect your cat’s heart after being transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. The worms will live inside your cat’s pulmonary artery, which carries blood from his heart to his lungs, and can cause lots of damage that can be fatal for your cat....
Dog and cat allergy symptoms The most obvious symptom of an atopic condition is pruritus. Pruritus is caused by skin inflammation, typically on the paws, head, armpit or groin. Dogs often lick or bite their feet and can be seen rubbing their heads along the floor or other objects. Cats ...
being of a cat with fad. prevention of flea allergy dermatitis in cats is much easier and more cost-effective than treating an infestation in your home. if your cat starts itching and scratching, have them examined by the vet right away. check your cat frequently for fleas with a flea ...