Cortisol is often called the primary “stress hormone” because it’s one of the main hormones we release when we’re under any sort of pressure and our evolutionary-based “fight or flight response” kicks into gear. Although most think of cortisol as a bad thing — such ascontributing to...
but it’s only a matter of time before the doubting thoughts return.” Since OCD thrives on uncertainty, no amount of reassurance can provide lasting relief. Instead, it keeps the person stuck in a cycle of needing constant validation. ...
The purpose of the camshaft position sensor is to measure the rotations and the position of the crankshaft. And the engine module will use this information to control the ignition and fuel injection timing. The speed and position of the crankshaft are two key parameters that the car’s computer...
Viruses.Colds and thefluare the most common causes of a productive cough although you might have a dry cough long after you’ve had a cold. It can last weeks. This could be because coughing irritates your lungs, which leads to more coughing, which irritates your lungs, and so on. Postna...
A speedometer may stop working due to a bad sensor. Plus, the affected cruise control can disrupt the driving functions of the car. Any problem with the sensor will make the Check Engine light to come on. A speed sensor does not only indicate the vehicle speed but also helps with cruise...
Your body is a highly complex, interconnected system. Instead of guessing at what might be wrong, let us help you discover what is really going on inside your body based on the many clues it is giving. Our multiple symptom checker provides in-depth health analysis by The Analyst™ with ...
Everyday activities like walking, eating, going to the bathroom, and talking become harder. The effects of the disease will differ for each person as it gets worse. The pace can be slow. Some people live up to 20 years after a diagnosis. The average life expectancy, though, is 4 to 8...
According to researcher Karl Abrams, our ordinary, wholesome digestive method lets approximately 2% of these proteins slide through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. Once these proteins enter the bloodstream, our-our bodies do not recognize them as “meals.” They have become “foreign invade...
Jewel weed, also known as impatiens or touch me not can also be used to help with itching. A common weed it is commonly mashed up and used to remove the oil from a dog’s fur and skin. It is also capable of soothing when applied to the infected area. ...
Depression is emerging as a risk factor for heart disease. A study of 688 women showed that depression and anger are associated with hardening of the arteries in women, in part through physical and behavioral risk factors such as bad cholesterol levels, obesity and smoking. [Psychosomatic Medicine...