As the number of stings increases, the severity of the reaction also increases and can be lethal to anyone if stung too many times. If a person is stung or has medical concerns related to honey bees, they should seek a medical professional. Do Honey Bees Sting? Honey bees will sting ...
Call your doctor or go to a hospital's emergency department if a large localized reaction (greater than about 10 inches in diameter) occurs, evidence of infection (increasing pain, swelling, redness, drainage of pus orfever) is present at the sting site, or any symptoms last for more than ...
Local reactionsare the most common type of reaction to a bee or wasp sting. Symptoms include pain, swelling, warmth, and redness at the site of the sting.Itchingmay also be present. These symptoms begin immediately following the sting and often last for only a few hours. Depending upon the...
A large area of swelling, known as edema, at the site of the sting Itching or hives all over your body Shortness of breath, wheezing, chest tightness, or a cough As with some other allergies, such as food and medication, a severe reaction to a sting can lead to anaphylaxis. Most peop...
Wiping the bite or sting area with alcohol or a cool damp cloth with water from a nearby river or spring while hiking or camping In some cases, a large local reaction can affect the entire joint of the limb that was stung or bitten. In these cases, a doctor may prescribe histamine, as...
Localized reactions.These are the most common types of reaction to a bee or wasp sting. Symptoms include pain, swelling, warmth, redness at the site of the sting and itching. Symptoms show up almost immediately after stings and may last several hours. Large local reactions may result in exces...
sting can cause a dangerous, potentially fatal reaction known as systemic anaphylaxis. (Top left) A bee sting releases venom, which enters the bloodstream of an individual sensitized to it—that is, someone whose immune system has been triggered by previous experience to recognize venom as a ...
Insect bite and sting, break in the skin or puncture caused by an insect and complicated by introduction into the skin of the insect’s saliva, venom, or excretory products. Specific components of these substances are believed to give rise to an allergic
The most serious reactionis an allergic one (described below). You'll need to get it treated right away. What Are the Symptoms of an Insect Sting Allergy? A mild allergic reaction may cause one or more of these symptoms at the site of the sting: ...
swelling of the tongue, hoarseness, and dizziness. An anaphylactic reaction usually occurs within minutes of a sting but may occur up to 24 hours afterward. Prompt treatment of an anaphylactic reaction is of critical importance, since anaphylactic reactions can be fatal. The main treatment is wi...