A bad PCV valve may stick or not close properly. This allows an excess of oxygen to enter the combustion chamber. Excess oxygen dilutes the air/fuel mixture ratio, causing a “rich” fuel mixture. A rich mixture can lead to a build up of back pressure in the exhaust system, which can...
oilpumpsand spi C a If your Alfa has SPICA injection, you should replace the tiny filter (#3931) in the injectionpumpwith everyoilchange. Commonsymptomsofpumpfailure are: • Poor gas mileage from over-rich mixture. • Fuel mixing into the engineoil.… Get Content Here ...
Although most think of cortisol as a bad thing — such ascontributing to acne,weight gainorhigh blood pressure— there’s actually a lot more to cortisol levels than just our stress response and its unwanted symptoms. We need it to live. ...
Symptoms of a bad starter: Starter problems fall in several categories: Slow turning over of the engine (1) Your motor turns over very slowly. Dash lights get really dim while cranking engine, battery terminals get hot, along with the entire battery cable If your lights are bright with the...
Symptoms of a Bad EGR Sensor A faulty EGR sensor can cause many problems with the EGR system flow & operation which leads to performance issues like power reduction, vehicle emissions, decreased acceleration & fuel efficiency. The car engine has a rough idle. ...
A car's starter is one of its more important engine components. It is a small electric motor that engages the engine when the driver turns the key. Once the engine begins to run, the starter disengages. A bad starter is just one possible reason an engine
Is having a panic attack the same as having panic disorder? Are anxiety attack symptoms serious? Can you die from having a panic attack? What are anxiety attacks? What is anxiety? The Stress Response Types of Anxiety and Panic Attacks What causes anxiety attacks and their symptoms? Can you ...
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a group of different types of heart disease. Common heart disease symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, light-headedness, and dizziness. Heart disease has many causes, including genetics, atherosc
Think of the cardiovascular system of the body as similar to the oil pump in your car. For efficient functioning, the electrical pump needs to work to pump the oil, there needs to be enough oil, and the oil lines need to be intact. If any of these components fail, oil pressure falls...
HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU’RE DRIVING WITH A CLOGGED FUEL FILTER? Here are five of the bad fuel filter symptoms to watch for: You have a hard time starting car. If the problem is the fuel filter, and it isn’t changed soon, you may find that your vehicle won’t start at all. Mi...