When you tear or strain a muscle, it can damage small blood vessels, causing local bleeding orbruising. It also can cause pain due to irritation of nerve endings in the muscles. Symptoms of a muscle strain include: Swelling, bruising, or redness Pain while your muscle is at rest Pain when...
When you tear or strain a muscle, it can damage small blood vessels, causing local bleeding orbruising. It also can cause pain due to irritation of nerve endings in the muscles. Symptoms of a muscle strain include: Swelling, bruising, or redness Pain while your muscle is at rest Pain when...
or a larger area, such as a group of muscles. Pain can be immediate in an acute strain, or it may be delayed in the case of an overuse injury. Signs and symptoms of strains include
Gonorrhea can also exist in the back of the throat (from oral-genital contact) and in the rectum. Gonorrhea symptoms The majority of infected women have no symptoms, especially in the early stages of the infection. When women do experience signs and symptoms of gonorrhea they include: burning...
There will be considerate bruising and swelling with a grade 3 calf tear. There may also be a bulge in the back of the calf just above where the rupture has taken place as the muscle tissue pings up into a lump. Calf Strain Treatment ...
upper back muscles including trapezius and rhomboid muscles, neck muscles, and the intercostal muscles and oblique muscles of the chest. What AreSymptomsand Signs of a Muscle Strain? Symptoms of a muscle strain may include: Swelling, bruising or redness, or open cuts as a consequence of the in...
Most nutritionist advise pregnant women to cut down on legume and include more greens in their meals. It is also recommended to drink plenty of water throughout the day and slow down when chewing the food. 10. Pain in your lower pelvic You may experience unexpected back pain in your lower...
Strain-Strained muscles or ligaments are among the most obvious causes of back pain. These strains may be a result of lifting objects that are too heavy or an abrupt and awkward movement. Sometimes, a strain can also be caused when an object is lifted improperly. ...
Symptoms of a heart attack include: Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, tightness, squeezing, or pain in your chest, arm, or below your breastbone Discomfort that goes into your back, jaw, throat, or arm Fullness, indigestion, or a choking feeling (it may feel like heartburn) ...
Symptoms can include: Pain, swelling, or redness in one or both heels Tenderness and tightness in the back of the heel that feels worse when the area is squeezed Heel pain that gets worse after running or jumping, and feels better after rest. The pain may be especially bad at the beginni...