To sum-up, these are the general easy-to-notice signs of gasket failure:Oil trickling down between the head and block surfaces. The leak will get bigger with time and possibly lead to a coolant leaking. The Sulphur or fuel smell from the coolant reservoir. At this stage, you will also ...
a lot of pressure is generated as the piston is still in its upstroke. This extra gas pressure might blow past the head gasket and make it leak. That’s why a blown head gasket is always a risk with an engine tuned for more power. ...
Over time, heat and lack of fluid maintenance causes wear and tear on the seals in the transmission system, causing damage that creates a fluid leak. Can You Drive with a Transmission Fluid Leak? If you suspect that your vehicle has a transmission fluid leak, it’s time to make an appoin...
Whena head gasketis cracked or malfunctioning, coolant can leak. Without the proper level of coolant, the engine will quickly overheat. If an engine overheats as a result of another problem, such as a radiator leak, it can warp the heads, causing the gasket to malfunction, crack or leak....
Blown head gasket symptoms and how you can repair the leak yourself with this simple trick. This is an expensive repair, but I have a trick. Watch this.
My Toyota Camry engine blew up the day after a service and oil leak was fixed. The insurance company has declined my claim. But, I think they are still related. They said that the failure of the engine was due to the falling out of ...
In a case where the EGR valve is in an open position, there are chances for it to create a vacuum leak. This leak will result in incomplete combustion, which is usually the initiator for rough idling and fluctuation in the rpm needle. ...
However, both Dr. B and myself still think mold is the root cause of my issue, and perhaps it weakened my immune system to the point where these viruses/infections were activated. Do you think this is plausible? I wonder if Charcoal and a strict diet would help again? When I was on...