Common Blood Tests for Kidney PatientsSymptoms of Kidney DiseasesSymptoms of kidney diseases vary from person to person. A lotdepends on the type of underlying disease and its severity. Symptoms are often, vague and non-specific, and therefore the disease is difficult to diagnose in the early st...
APOL1-mediated kidney disease.Normally, the APOL1 gene helps make an immune system protein, but if you inherit a mutated version of the gene from both parents, you may be more at risk for kidney disease. You may be more likely to have this gene mutation if you identify as Black, Africa...
APOL1-mediated kidney disease.Normally, the APOL1 gene helps make an immune system protein, but if you inherit a mutated version of the gene from both parents, you may be more at risk for kidney disease. You may be more likely to have this gene mutation if you identify as Black, Africa...
Kidney Disease Symptoms: What Are They?Kidney Disease Symptoms: What Are They?If you have been told that you are suffering from kidney disease this may have come as a complete shock to you. Kidney disease is often missed as a diagnosis in its initial stages for two main reasons; it is ...
Hello and welcome! Please answer a few simple questions to find out if you are one of the 33% of adults in the U.S. who is at risk for kidney disease. Are you answering these questions for yourself or for a loved one? For myself For a loved one...
Stage 4 kidney disease life expectancy depends on a number of factors, including your age at the time of diagnosis, your other medical conditions, and your individual treatment plan. While there’s no cure for kidney disease and any kidney damage that has occurred can’t be reversed, you can...
There is no cure for stage IV kidney disease. Treatment aims to prevent kidney failure and provide better quality of life. According to the National Kidney Foundation, it is possible for kidney disease patients to live a long life with proper treatment. Dialysis is recommended when kidney functio...
Getting diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is life changing, but there are treatments for every stage help manage your health—and allow you to thrive. Learn as much as you can about your kidneys and the condition so you’ll know what to do and what to expect. ...
Germany and Belgium has found that giving a peptide found in green mamba venom to mice with a kidney disease led to reduced symptoms. In their paper published inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group describes how test mice with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) saw reduced sy...