6. diarrhea 腹泻、拉肚子 7. headache 头痛 8. runny nose 流鼻涕 9. nausea 恶心、反胃 10. sneeze 打喷嚏 11. fever 发烧 12.cough 咳嗽 13.toothache 牙疼 14.sore throat 嗓子疼 15.dizzy 头晕 推荐阅读: 各种“家务活”的英文表达 House ch...
You're nauseated. How to Stop Feeling Dizzy Occasional dizziness often goes away on its own. In general, if you feel dizzy, try lying down for a few minutes. Sit up very slowly, without sudden movements. Then slowly stand up. This may help. ...
Balance centers in the inner ear —Nausea can be related to vertigo, a dizzy sensation of spinning, moving, or falling when you are not moving. Common conditions that cause vertigo includemotion sickness(triggered by repeated movements in different directions inside a car, boat, train, plane, ...
Nausea or vomiting Loss of appetite Upset stomach or belly pain When a child has a migraine, they may look pale, feel dizzy, and have blurry vision, fever, and an upset stomach. A small number of children's migraines include digestive symptoms, such as vomiting, that happen about once a...
headache or head pressure, chest pain or tightness, nausea, and vomiting. Dizziness may be a symptom of a condition or disease that is something more dangerous and should always be discussed with a doctor. Medical treatment for dizziness depends on the underlying cause and should be evaluated by...
(CSF) flows and affected individuals can develop a severeheadache,nausea,vomiting, and a stiff neck because the blood causes significant irritation to this meningeal layer. It is the same response that can be seen in patients who have a leaking cerebral aneurysm ormeningitis. Treatment is often ...
Dizziness is a common health complaint. Getting dizzy occasionally is usually nothing to worry about. However, getting dizzy regularly may mean that you have an underlying health issue going on. Understanding the causes of your dizziness is critical for improving your health. I recommend that you ...
Nausea Dizzy Swallowing difficulty Vomiting Eye swelling on headache side Eye tearing on headache side Headache with neck pain may be responsive to specific Chiropractic adjustment, therefore seeking a consult may be advisable. A2020 study in Pain Physicianindicates neck related cervicogenic headache is ...
Migraine-related dizziness can come before, during, and after a migraine headache. Also, migraine-related dizziness doesn’t have to be accompanied by the headache itself. Feeling dizzy can be the only symptom of a migraine headache for some people. ...
High blood pressure, orhypertension, is known as the "silent killer" since it often has no symptoms, even if blood pressure readings are markedly elevated. On occasion, a person may complain ofheadache, nausea, or dizziness, although the complaints don't necessarily correlate with the degree of...