3. like-minded, compatible, agreeable, friendly, responsive, appreciative, congenial, companionable, well-intentioned She sounds a most sympathetic character. like-minded unresponsive, uncongenial Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publ...
In literature and film, the sympathetic character is the one who is likable or who evokes feelings of sympathy from the audience. The sympathetic character in a romantic comedy is probably the romantic male lead who keeps getting ignored by the beautiful women. Eventually the sympathetic character...
” (Moulaert2010,2013). This implies not only that an innovation must be radical (transformative), but also that it changes the power structure within the system where it is introduced. The problem with this kind of definition is less with its normative character, but with its essentialist na...
These novels celebrate character in girls and women in a way that their contemporary counterparts, filled with characters brooding over nasty boys and weight problems, seldom do. To revisit the girls' classics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, actually, is to enter a heroines' hall of f...
3. like-minded, compatible, agreeable, friendly, responsive, appreciative, congenial, companionable, well-intentioned She sounds a most sympathetic character. like-minded unresponsive, uncongenial Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publ...