a pattern is considered a good pattern if it contains symmetries. In a way, a pattern can be improved with more “goodness” by adding symmetry to it. So essentially, if people are driven to improve something or complete the picture, symmetry is a principle to...
Regarding the symmetry properties of the animal body, it can be seen that the overall radial symmetry of cnidarians is combined with regional level bilateral symmetry (such as that of the rhopalia, the manubrian arms, the gastric pouches, and the pharynx in the anthozoan polyps); and, simila...
3. (Heraldry) a picture of a skull used to represent death or danger [C13: of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse skoltr, Norwegian skult, Swedish dialect skulle] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000,...
12. 完成运动模板的最终外观(12. Complete the Final Look of the Sports Template) 13. 创建自定义控件更改模板的配色方案(13. Create Custom Controls to change color schemes of Template) 14. 标签和组织项目面板和组成(14. Label and organize Project Panel and Compositions)C4D...
Symmetry-protected topological band theory has been one of the main focuses of condensed matter research for around two decades1,2,3. For the tenfold Altland–Zirnbauer symmetry classes involving time-reversal symmetry (T), particle-hole symmetry (C), and chiral symmetry (Π), various periodic...
As a result, the nuclear-rotational partition function is given by the product of the respective partition functions, divided by a symmetry numberγ that denotes the number of physically indistinguishable configurations realized during one complete rotation of the molecule:13 (40)jnuc-rot(T)=gnuc...
1984. Complete Euclidean distance transformation by parallel operation. In Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 336-338. Yap, C. K. 1987. An O(n log n) algorithm for the voronoi diagram of a set of simple curve segments. Discrete Computational Geometry, 2:365-...
After providing the definition of an outlier, Barnett and Lewis concluded that “more fundamentally, the concept of an outlier must be viewed in relative terms”14. After carefully studying the nature of outliers, we presented a relatively complete approach1 in which relativity was emphasized. ...
Also the limiting case of spontaneously broken symmetries is considered to complete the picture. As an application transformation properties of Green's functions under the dilatation group are considered. Finally a method is given to represent a general Green's function as an expansion in series of...
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