Why does the genetic alphabet consist of the four letters? Why does the genetic code encode 20 amino acids? How is the system structure of the molecular genetic code connected with known principles of quantum mechanics, which were developed to explain phenomena on atomic and molecular levels?
A new type of filter called the optimum circular symmetrical filter (OCF), described in a previous paper, is used for digital and optical pattern recognition. This rotation-invariant matched filter optimizes the signal-to-noise ratio. Optical experiments with letters of the alphabet gave results ...
The symmetric group Sn acts on Lien by replacement of letters, giving an (n - 1)!-dimensional representation isomorphic to the induction [omega][short up arrow]SnCn, where Cn is the cyclic group of order n and [omega] is a primitive nth root of unity. Bracketings in Lien may be ...
The genetic code is a dictionary composed of words three letters long, known as codons or triplets, each letter a nucleotide base. There are four basic nucleotides in the DNA, to wit, adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). During the translation process of the DNA...