Cutoff for random walks on random graphs at the entropic time 51:32 GMConformal welding in Liouville quantum gravity_ recent results and application 45:28 Grothendeick Lp Problem for Gaussian Matrices 27:01 https___mathtube.org_lecture_video_conformal-welding-liouville-quantum-gravity-r 45:...
Random walks on groups: Strong uniform time approach. The successful applications of the method include finding sharp bounds on the total separation for the natural random walks on cube, cyclic group, dihedral group, symmetric group, hyperoctahedral group, Heisenberg group, and others. In ... Pak...
We study symmetric random walks on finitely generated groups of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the real line. We establish an oscillation property for the induced Markov chain on the line that implies a weak form of recurrence. Except for a few special cases, which can be treated separa...
Random walks on symmetric spaces and inequalities for matrix spectra, Linear Algebra Appl - Klyachko - 1999 () Citation Context ...) ∈ ∆ 3 such that there exists a triple (y1, y2, y3) ∈ p 3 for which y1 + y2 + y3 = 0 and π(y1) = h1, π(y2) = h2, π(y3) = h...
groups. We briefly review some of the needed material below. 2.1 Cutoffs Many examples of random walks on groups that have been studied demonstrate a unique behavior called the cutoff phenomenon. This was first studied in 3 [1, 2, 11]. See also [9, 6, 29, 30]. Definition...
摘要: We construct explicit generating sets and of the alternating and the symmetric groups, which turn the Cayley graphs and into a family of bounded degree expanders for all sufficiently large . These expanders have many applications in the theory of random walks on group...
1:06:11 Daniel Mauldin Steinhaus' problem on simultaneous tilings of the plane 54:31 David Gamarnik - Power and Limits of Local Algorithms for Graphs I. 1:15:26 Elon Lindenstrauss - Sum product phenomenon and random walks III. 1:05:40 Elon Lindenstrauss - Sum product phenomenon and rand...
We derive an asymptotic expansion for the subgroup of arbitrary Fuchsian groups and some other classes of large groups. Moreover, the main conjecture for Random Walks on symmetric groups is established in full generality. Both problems require subtle estimates of character values and root number mul...
In the former half of the present paper, we establish two kinds of (functional) central limit theorems for random walks. We first show that the Brownian motion on the Euclidean space with the Albanese metric appears as the scaling limit of the usual central limit theorem for the random walk...
Fulman, J.: Convergence rates of random walk on irreducible representations of finite groups. J. Theor. Probab. 21, 193–211 (2008) Article MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Fulton, W.: Young Tableaux with Applications to Representation Theory and Geometry. London Mathematical Society Student Text...