In a symmetric distribution, the mean, mode and median all fall at the same point. Themodeis the most common number and it matches with the highest peak (the “mode” here is different from the “mode” in bimodal or unimodal, which refers to the number of peaks). An exception is the...
Along with the normal distribution, the t-distribution is embedded within the wider class of unimodal elliptically symmetric distributions which includes some other well-known members such as the Cauchy, (symmetric) Laplace, (symmetric) hyperbolic, and Pearson type II and VII distributions. Apart ...
J. Comput. Graph. Statist. to appear.Ho, M.-W. (2006a). Bayes estimation of a symmetric unimodal density via S-paths. J. Comput. Graph. Statist. 15 848-860., "Bayes Estimation of a Symmetric Unimodal Density via S-paths," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 15, 848-...