Symless is the company behind Synergy, software that shares one mouse and keyboard between computers. We make software for people with multiple computers.
Symless的Synergy是一款允许开发者在多台电脑上使用一个键盘或鼠标的软件。对于许多必须同时处理多台电脑和设备,并执行不同任务的专业人士来说,这是一个救星。因此,Synergy有助于优化工作流程,使开发人员能够使用单一的硬件在多个系统中导航,而不是为不同系统使用多个键盘和鼠标。 起步定价: 免费试用: 公司名称:...
At Symless, we have a tech support team ready to help you with Synergy (if you want to contact us), and a knowledge base with help pages if you prefer to self-serve.
键鼠共享工具使用(软KVM)-barrier(symless开源版) 作用:通过软件方式,实现KVM,即一套键盘鼠标可以控制多台电脑,并可以进行粘贴板共享。 1.安装 打开,进releases下载对应系统版本安装包,当然也可以自行编译 按步骤安装完成即可 2.服务端启动 说明:都是启动相应程序,服务端指接入...
We don't have any open positions right now, but if you think you might be a good fit for future roles, send us your resume/CV by emailing: careers@symless.comOur mission Our mission is to help people be more productive when using multiple devices together. We achieve this by developing...
Read about product news and updates straight from the Synergy team at Symless.
Synergy 2服务(在那里犯了错误)纯粹是用C++编写的,所以最初我们在选择1)用C++重写Synergy 3 Node.js服务,和选择2)坚持用Node.js来做服务。 Node.js在突破和快速编写代码方面非常出色,所以它在原型阶段非常好。如果用Rust、Go或C++,那就有点麻烦了,因为它变化太大,而且我们也不完全确定我们编写的代码是否是适合... Verified Pinned synergy-corePublic Open source core of Synergy, the keyboard and mouse sharing tool C++9.2k3.2k Type Language Sort synergy-corePublic Open source core of Synergy, the keyboard and mouse sharing tool ...
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. Depending on your access level and actions on the site,...
Open source core of Synergy, the cross-platform keyboard and mouse sharing tool (Windows, macOS, Linux) - Compiling · symless/synergy-core Wiki