问用symfony配置phpstanEN1、装好ubuntu使用 sudo passwd root 设置root密码 2、安装ssh sudo apt-get ...
{ "name": "phpstan/phpstan-symfony", "type": "phpstan-extension", "description": "Symfony Framework extensions and rules for PHPStan", "license": [ "MIT" ], "authors": [ { "name": "Lukáš Unger", "email": "looky.msc@gmail.com", "homepage": "https://lookyman.net" } ], "...
Symfony extension for PHPStan. Contribute to phpstan/phpstan-symfony development by creating an account on GitHub.
也能正确停止进程bug #50332 [PropertyInfo] 修复 PhpStanExtractor 构造函数没有文档块bug #50253 [...
Closureなので、戻り値が mixed になっています。PHPStanに怒られるので、assert()やアノテーションをつけて逃げましょう。まとめこのように、Symfonyのアトリビュートを使えば、色々な方法で注入しまくれます。DIにしておくことで、責務を分けやすくなりますし、テストもしやすくなります。
Make sure the phpstan/phpdoc-parser and phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock packages are installed (these are part of the symfony/serializer-pack).Deserializing Nested Structures Some APIs might provide verbose nested structures that you want to flatten in the PHP object. For instance, imagine a JSON...
"phpstan/phpdoc-parser": "^1.28", "shapecode/cron-bundle": "^7.0", "symfony/apache-pack": "^1.0", "symfony/asset": "6.4.*", "symfony/asset-mapper": "6.4.*", "symfony/console": "6.4.*", "symfony/doctrine-messenger": "6.4.*", "symfony/dotenv": "6.4.*", "symfony/expression...
$php vendor/bin/phpstan completion --help$composer completion --help If you are using theSymfony local web server, it is recommended to use the built-in completion script that will ensure the right PHP version and configuration are used when running the Console Completion. Runsymfony completion ...
Psalm and PHPSan无法读取Symfony实体字符串:class修复此问题的最简单方法是使用\EntityClass::class而...