When Symfony is used in development environment, the web debug toolbar is available at the bottom of all pages. It displays a good summary of the profiling data that gives you instant access to a lot of useful information when something does not work as expected. The web debug toolbar cont...
Symfony Debug Toolbar:这是一个用于监控Symfony应用程序性能的浏览器扩展。它提供了一个简单的界面,用于查看请求、数据库查询、缓存和其他性能相关的信息。要使用Debug Toolbar,您需要在config/packages/security.yaml中启用它,并在config/services.yaml中添加以下代码: services:app.twig.extension.debug:class:Symfony\...
engines: ['twig']router:resource: "%kernel.root_dir%/config/dev/routing.yml"strict_requirements: true profiler: { only_exceptions: false } web_profiler:toolbar: true intercept_redirects: true 2. web/app_dev.php $kernel = new AppKernel('dev', true);Debug::enable(); // 这个不要注释 ...
Web Debug Toolbar是Symfony的杀手级工具之一: 在开发过程中大量调试信息输出在页面底部,便于调试. 安装symfony/profiler-pack即可开箱即用. 安装好后, 页面底部会出现一个黑色工具条. 你将了解更多有关它所包含的所有信息, 并可自由尝试: 鼠标悬停或点击工具条上不同图标即可获取有关路由, 性能, 日志记录等信息....
1.没有经由app_dev.app访问页面。只有在dev环境下才会显示debug tool bar。 2.config_dev.app中没有设置为true。 web_profiler: toolbar: true 3.没有在template中定义body部分。tool bar是在body中自动追加的。因此需要在对应的twig文件中追加body块。
WebDebugToolbarListener 注入Web 调试工具条 ResponseListener 基于请求的格式来为Response设置Content-type EsiListener 当Response需要解析ESI标签时,向其添加一个Surrogate-Control HTTP头。 kernel.exception 事件: 事件类:GetResponseForExceptionEvent FrameworkBundle注册一个ExceptionListener把请求定向到一个给定Contoller。
New to symfony 1.3 is the ability to click on files in the web debug toolbar and have them open in your preferred text editor. For more information, see the"What's new"article for symfony 1.3. To activate this feature for any particular file path, theformatFileLink()must be used. In ...
March 3, 2025#Conferences February 24 – March 2, 2025A Week of Symfony #948 This week, Symfony6.4.19and7.2.4maintenance versions were released. In addition, the upcoming Symfony 7.3 version added a helper torender directory trees in the console. Lastly, we welcomedfour new membersto the Sy...
When I log in to my app the db request bar dissapears? How do I make it show that it always. shows? The screenshot at the top shows the database doctrine count, the one at the bottom doesn't. It dissapears after a successful login php debugging symfony Share Follow asked May 13...