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The green light symbolizes many things, principally, Gatsby's quest to obtain Daisy. The color of the light could be symbolic of the envy that Gatsby has over Tom, who has Daisy, or it could represent the green of a figurative Garden of Eden in the past. Copy Activity* More Storyboa...
which is a concrete object that also represents the abstract concepts ofyearning and the American Dream. Those same themes are also connected to one of the novel's many motifs—Gatsby's verbal tic of calling everyone"old sport."This phrase isn't a symbol, but its oddness point to the...
What is the theme of the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" that connects to race and racism? What are some themes in "Passion" by Alice Munro, and how can these themes be supported with evidence and quotes from the story? What is the common theme between 'The Great Gatsby' and 'One...
What are examples of literary devices in The Great Gatsby? What is the symbolism of Anna Karenina? What are significant symbols in Irving's 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'? Why are these symbols important to Irving's piece? How do they impact Irving's characters? What do colors represent ...
In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald uses white signs to symbolize the wasteland of emptiness and decadence caused by desire and greed. The name of the heroine Daisy comes from the name of a small white flower. It implies that Daisy’s life after marriage is empty, boring, and ...
What are examples of literary devices in The Great Gatsby? What is the climax in "The Glass Menagerie"? What does the candle symbolize in "The Glass Menagerie"? What does the merchant marine symbolize in "The Glass Menagerie"? What do the characters in Les Miserables represent?Explore...
In American literature―including Freedom, including The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925), travel towards specificcardinal directions(east and west) have a specific meaning with regards to freedom: [R]eviewers have probably not stressed strongly enough thatfreedom is just one dimension of...
Symbols play a significant role in literature and art, where they can be used to represent abstract concepts or to add layers of meaning to a work. For example, the \”green light\” in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s \”The Great Gatsby\” represents the elusive American Dream, while the \”wh...
What symbols represent Sam in ''My Side of the Mountain''? What makes Horatio an important character in "Hamlet"? What is a rhetorical feature in the last passage of ''The Great Gatsby''? What are some of the main literary devices Shakespeare uses in Julius Caesar? What are some of...