flag of France, It is called "French Tricoloud三色)”. It has thred colors. They are blue. white and red The US is cealled "Unscle Sam". There is a story about a businessman. Samuel Wilson. He called himself Uncle Sam. He sold beef to the US army. He used "US" to renreven....
前仆后继: Inherit the fights of the sacrificed ones, representing continuous heroic struggles. 勇冠三军: The bravest in the army. 智勇双全: Intelligent and courageous. 英勇善战: Heroic, brave, and skillful fighter. 临危不惧: Be calm, sophisticated, and fearless in front...
He sold beef to the US army. He used "US" to represent his name.It was the same short form as the United States. During the World War 1, a painter drew a pae-ture of Uncle Sam in the army-recruiting poster. In 1961, the US Congress(国会) agreed to use"Uncle Sam" as the ...
23. The writer instantly rose to fame in 1950 with the publication of a novel inspired by his experience with a girl on a farm. 24. One story says that “ US ” was short for “ Uncle Sam ” whose real name was Sam Wilson, who had once worked with a man who had signed a contra...
Japanese Red Army Japanese red pine Japanese river fever Japanese rose Japanese slippers Japanese snowbell Japanese spaniel Japanese spurge Japanese stranglehold Japanese style Japanese sumac Japanese table pine Japanese tea ceremony Japanese tree lilac ...
E. Wilson transported meat to the army and sold it to the soldiers F. the letters “US” stamped on the meat was short for “Uncle Sam” G. Mattel came up with the idea for Barbie after seeing a German doll . the dentist Wood used for the farmer in his painting may be serious-...
of years in the army.Valentine,who was an Italian bishop,living in AD 200,broke the rule and secretly married a great many young people that came to him.Finally,Claudius found out Valentine and put him in prison,where he remained until his death on February 14.After his death,Valentine ...
【题】 Luzury symbols of China, all-incl usive cruise an d Mount Fuji adventure From the architectural riches of Chin a to the awe-inspiring beauty of Mount Fuji, discover wonders of the worl d during this epic adventur e. paire d with hotel stays in interesting cities an d an all-in...
During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces, workingwith a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels ofmeat supplied to the army were stamped "EA-US", identifying the company (EA) and country of ...
In the pre-Marian reform days of the old Republic, each legion of the army had their own vexilloid. One legion had an ox as its vexilloid, another had a boar, another had the minotaur, and so on. After the Marian reforms all Roman legions used the eagle as their vexilloid. To ...