Welcome back to the RegEx guide. Last post we talked a little bit about the basics of RegEx and its uses. I mentioned the most important thing is to understand the symbols. Today we’ll ease in with some of the basics to get us going, but later we will expand on these and see some...
9.Shell Programming and Scripting new lines symbols in sed? I want to edit a huge script file using sed. How can I add the new lines symbols in the red colored places? sed -e "s/test -z "$x"/if test -z "$x" then echo -1; \n else \n/g" ...
'Globalization' is ambiguous while running on IIS but not at compile time in Visual Studio 'Hashtable' could not be found 'multipleactiveresultsets' Keyword Not Supported 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Replace' and no extension method 'Replace' accepting a first argument of type...
When starting ALE, make sure to start it in the MGC specific (MGC EBD CMD) shell. In order to do that, I use a bat file with this content : c:\MentorGraphics\EEVX.2.6\SDD_HOME\common\win64\bin\mglaunch.exe "e:\Automation\Library\ALEv3.11_VX.2.6\...