virtuallyanyobjectcanbeaculturalsymbol.Anobject,suchasabuildingforexample,maybeawidelyrecognizedsymbolofa particularcountry,cultureorcommunitysinceitrepresentsthevalues,normsoridealsofthosepeople.34 •Asymbolwidelyorgenerallyacceptedasmeaningsomethingspecificwithinanentirecultureorsocialgroup.Examplesofculturalsymbolsin...
川流不息: (Countless Pedestrians and carriages) moving on roads, like constant streams in rivers. 百花齐放: Hundreds of species of flowers are blooming simultaneously, representing the diversity of art, ideology, and culture. 黄金时代: Golden age and prosperous epoch. ...
Symbols of Culture 9 2) cook something in boiling water (用开水)煮(食物) I prefer boiled eggs to fried eggs. 我更喜欢水煮蛋而不是煎鸡蛋. 11. Maybe because of the fun of having everybody involved, dumplings are often associated with family. (Para. 4) Meaning: Perhaps because ...
2、g something specific within an entire culture or social group. examples of cultural symbols in western culture include the cross as a symbol of christianity, the american flag as a symbol of americas colonial history of thirteen colonies growing into fifty states. examples of cultural symbols ...
cultureorsocialgroup.Examplesofcultural symbolsinWesterncultureincludethecross asasymbolofChristianity,theAmericanflag asasymbolofAmerica'scolonialhistoryof thirteencoloniesgrowingintofiftystates. Examplesofculturalsymbolsinothercultures theYin-Yangsphereasanorientalsymbolof ...
3 4 资料仅供参考•Asymbolwidelyorgenerallyacceptedas meaningsomethingspecificwithinanentire cultureorsocialgroup.Examplesofcultural symbolsinWesterncultureincludethecross asasymbolofChristianity,theAmericanflag asasymbolofAmerica'scolonialhistoryof thirteencoloniesgrowingintofiftystates. Examplesofculturalsymbolsin...
virtuallyanyobjectcanbeaculturalsymbol.Anobject,suchasabuildingforexample,maybeawidelyrecognizedsymbolofa particularcountry,cultureorcommunitysinceitrepresentsthevalues,normsoridealsofthosepeople.34 •Asymbolwidelyorgenerallyacceptedasmeaningsomethingspecificwithinanentirecultureorsocialgroup.Examplesofculturalsymbolsin...
It tries to 68 that it can be rather interesting to learn the most difficult language in the world with enough examples.Symbols of ChinaThe book explains Chinese culture in a 69 way. One hundred cultural symbols are 70 one hundred small mirrors. They show the value of traditional Chinese ...
Examples of cultural symbols in Western culture include the cross as a symbol of Christianity, the American flag as a symbol of America's colonial history of thirteen colonies growing into fifty states. Examples of cultural symbols in other cultures the Yin-Yang sphere as an oriental symbol...
Examples of cultural symbols in Western culture include the cross as a symbol of Christianity, the American flag as a symbol of Americas colonial history of thirteen colonies growing into fifty states. Examples of cultural symbols in other cultures the Yin-Yang sphere as an oriental symbol of ...