Wigner's 6-j symbols are calculated and tabulated beyond the limit (j sub i)'s or (l sub i)'s = 8 and up to the limit (j sub i)'s or (l sub i)'s = 11 of the arguments for general usage in calculations in various fields of physics, especially in nuclear and atomic spectros...
The symbols most often used for frequency arefand the Greek letters nu (ν) and omega (ω). Nu is used more often when specifyingelectromagnetic waves, such aslight,X-rays, andgamma rays. Omega is usually used to describe the angular frequency—that is, how much an object rotates or revo...
and limited thevelocityof all matter to the velocity of electromagnetic radiation. During the late 1960s, physicists discovered that other forces in nature have fields with a mathematical structure similar to that of theelectromagnetic field. These other forces are thestrong force, responsible for ...