Hermes: God of travel, trade, and communication. He is more commonly referred to as the messenger god. Hermes symbols include winged sandals, a winged hat, and a caduceus. Dionysus: Dionysus is the god of wine and parties. Dionysus symbols include wine/grapes and exotic animals. Hades:More...
Some gods were more strongly associated with animals than others; for Hephaestus, these connections were not particularly important. Is Hephaestus the ugliest god? Hephaestus is often considered to be the ugliest god in the Greek pantheon. This is due only in part to his physical deformities; he...
This is one of the oldest ideograms. It's been found on the walls of prehistoric caves in pre-Columbian America and also in Bronze Age Europe. It's associated with growing, rebirth, and genesis. Hermes' lyre Hermes' Lyre found on ancient coins and pottery. ...
Artemis was a lunar goddess associated with hunting, the wilderness, and virginity. What are Selene's powers? Selene rode her moon-chariot across the sky every night. This was how the Greeks were able to understand the passage of the moon across the sky. Selene also bore many children who...
DEA / G. DAGLI ORTI / Getty Images The lyre—which is perhaps his most well-known symbol—signifies that Apollo is the god of music. In ancient myths, the godHermescreated the lyre and gave it to Apollo in exchange for the rod of health—or for the cows that the mischievous Hermes ha...
Hermes was the god ofalchemists, who were fascinated by theelementmercuryand held as fundamental the unification of opposites. By extension, thecaduceusbecame associated with chemistry and pharmacy. It's a commonmistake, dating back to the 16th century, to associate the Caduceus with medicine. The...
Hermes Trismegistus, Thrice Great Hermes as the allegorical author of the Hermetica The Neo-Platonicians introduced at an early period of the Christian era an apparently new science, which they called the Sacred Science, which materially influenced the subsequent condition of the arts and sciences....
Mercury (or Hermes in Greek) is the Messenger God or the God of Communication. He is the patron deity of merchants and a trickster god. Mercury rules over boundaries. Gemini and Virgo fall under Mercurial influences. The planet’s energies stir one’s intellect. Mercury corresponds with quick...
This symbol is sometimes confused with the Caduceus, the staff ofHermes, which features two snakes and wings. However, the Caduceus relates to commerce and negotiation, not healing. The single snake on the Rod of Asclepius is the true representation of medicine and healthcare. ...
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