The Bible is full of symbols. Notably, one of these interesting symbols mentioned in the Bible is salt. Here are the different meanings of salt and how they relate to our lives. Salt as a Covenant Salt is known as a covenant. It is sometimes synonymous with the word “covenant”, and ...
Even though the Bible does not mention specifically the apple, it has become the fruit most people associate with the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden. The story is told in Genesis chapter 3. The serpent temps Eve to eat a fruit from the Tree of knowledge of g...
The nine is often found in the superstitions, such as for example, nine salt grains means the bad fate. And if someone wants to get marry in the year will jump nine times over a fire of the saint John or will jump over nine different fires. The tradition wants that the drowned returns...
This graceful giant of the ocean has inspired awe around the world, and rightfully so. The sight of a Whale breaching the water or frolicking in the foam moves the most stoic of person to wonderment. Lightworkers tell us thatWhale Spirit records the earth’s history from all corners of cre...
Margaret Barker further describes the nature of this “throne theophany,” as such experiences are commonly called by scholars, and its parallels elsewhere in the Bible:[xx] What we have here is an early description of a throne vision in which a prophet or visionary was taken into the prese...
[Delays plagued the Coray’s completion of the trek to the Salt Lake Valley.] Little Howard was approaching eight years old so Martha Jane had been taking evenings to discuss with the children about baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost and gifts of the Spirit. Howard gave both Little Howard...
Fotografieren ist Lebensfreude für mich. Photographing is joy of life for me :) Danke für einen freiwilligen Bildnachweis beim Verwenden meiner Bilder! Thank you for a voluntary photo credit! Für alle Kaffeespenden und Daumen hoch bedanke ich mich herzlich :) Thank you for all coffee donatio...
Genesis and the daughters of men at the time on Earth (Ancient Alienshad an episode in season 6 calledAlien Breedersthat covers some of this). The Nephilim were said to be giants, approximately 300 cubits, or 450 feet tall,based on the translation of the Hebrew Bible and the Book of ...
I thought clearly of references to the Anti-Christ in the Bible's book of Revelation. One could readily sense the spiritual damage the Anti-Christ would sow among man. I even dwelt upon a past Anti-Christ that existed 2,000 years ago. He became the most hated, reviled and despised huma...
there are three basic materials that form all things. Salt, sulfur, and mercury. Sulfur and Mercury are the opposing forces, solver being male, Mercury being female, and salt being the offspring, the divine child. And this comes up in many ways, a term we can all recogniz...